Bad Habits is a neo noir thriller short film that revolves around a library cataloger who makes a discovery in the library. In his attempt to address the matter he gets caught up in a dangerous scheme that puts his life at risk. In the meantime he forms a new habit. Good or Bad? That's Subjective!!
Lorenzo Micheletto, Alexia Paraskeva, Christina Marouchou, Eleonora Serena, Paul Stewart, Andrea Dionysiou Daina Papadaki Fanos Christophides Doros Polydorou Martha Themistokleous Xenios Polydorou George Sardos Sarah Henry
Directed / Written / Produced by Emilios Avraam - Director of Photography Sofronis Sofroniou - Production Designer Christy Polydorou - Production Manager Daina Papadaki - Assistant Director Paris El-Said - Hair & Make up Hellen Vavanou, George Vavanos - Assistant Camera Christos Zenios - Production Assistnant Eleni Nicolaou - Electricians Donald Justus Gomez,Polyvios Symeonides, Kyriakos Politis, Aristos Steliou - Music by George Solonos - Location Sound and Sound Design by Stavros Terlikkas - Colour Grading / DCP Panicos Petrides
co-produced by The Pixel Grit and Media Studios